Groceries tea & coffee Cereals bread seafood Wine frozen food fruit & veg cakes & biscuits Tips for buying food and drink while saving money in the process It’s often assumed that buying healthy food is more expensive than buying unhealthy food. But that need not be the case. If you're looking for healthy food on a small budget, then fruits and vegetables and other whole foods are a good choice. So too are wholesome foods which can be made to last over a few days if carefully stored. Making your own soups and freezing it for example will be a healthier option than tinned processed soup. You can save money on food bills by eating less of course. First of all, avoid overspending when you’re out shopping by taking a healthy snack with you such as nuts and raisins. That way you will feel less hungry and won’t be tempted to spend more. Also, drink plenty of water and limit your intake of salt and sugary foods. You should also avoid eating too many foods that are high in saturated fats. Check the labels for their ingredients. It’s still possible to buy good food that doesn’t contain poor quality contents. If you can plan out a weekly food budget as well as sticking to a regular food routine it should be easier to find ways to cut costs. You can achieve this by buying in bulk, meaning less trips to the shop which will save you time and cut down on travelling expenses. Alternatively, any food or drink you can order online and have delivered direct should certainly be worth considering. |